Function Arguments Example Result Additional Information Sample # Sample Text
ABS numbers_as_array "=ABS(F4)" 62 23 Hello World
AVERAGE values_as_array "=AVERAGE(F4:F14)" 46.92307692307692 Synonym:?AVG 45 True
CEILING numbers_as_array "=CEILING(F4:F14)" 62108200361799100 62 False
COUNT html_as_string "=COUNT(F2:F14)" 13 108 To High
DAYSFROM url_as_string "=DAYSFROM(2009,4,15)" 208 200 To Low
DOLLAR numbers_as_array "=DOLLAR(F13)" $55.00 36 Perfect
FALSE "=IF(F4 < 100, TRUE(), FALSE())" TRUE 17 number
FIXED number, decimals, noCommas? "=FIXED(F4+F14)" 41.00 Two decimal places 99 numbers_as_array
FLOOR numbers_as_array "=FLOOR(F4-F5)" -46 Synonym: INT 100 values_as_array
HYPERLINK "=HYPERLINK("", "jQuery website")" jQuery website -100 html_as_string
IF IF(logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false) "=IF(F12 < 100, TRUE(), FALSE())" TRUE Can have nested IF functions. -14 url_as_string
IMG "=IMG("")" The url can be sensitive to numbers. Also, on initial
load, because the image doesn't really have a size, the
outerheight can be distorted. An easy way to offset this
is to have some text in front of it that's taller than the
image :).
55 values
MAX values_as_array "=MAX(F3:F13)" 200 -21
MIN values_as_array "=MIN(F3:F13)" -100
N numbers_as_array "=N(F3)" 45
PI "=PI()" 3.141592653589793 If you use "=PI" it will return the actual function as text, which is incorrect. Use "=PI()".
TODAY "=TODAY()" Sun Oct 24 2010 17:01:27 GMT-0400 (EST)
SUM values_as_array "=SUM(F2:F13)" 631
ROUND numbers_as_array "=ROUND(1.6)" 2
RAND "=RAND()" 0.6772214938173313 Synonym: RND
Cell Navigation Result
Left Arrow Active cell moves left if possible.
Right Arrow Active cell moves right if possible.
Up Arrow Active cell moves up if possible.
Down Arrow Active cell moves down if possible.
Escape Active cell is removed from focus.
Enter Starts in-place edit / Active cell moves
down if possible.
Shift + Enter Adds a line break to the cell's value
Ctrl + Enter Ends in-place edit / Active cell moves
down if possible.
Tab Active cell moves right if possible.
Ctrl + Z Undo
Ctrl + Y Redo
Ctrl + Z Paste, can even past from other spreadsheets!
Feature Info
jQuery.sheet is Re-sizable! Click and drag on the cell identification bars, and
it will resize the row or column.
You may also resize the spreadsheet and formula editor at the top.
Auto Scroll When you navigate to a cell the
spreadsheet pane automatically scrolls to
Multi cell select If you drag your mouse over a range of
cells, it will select them for you. You can
use this to change their style.
Multi cell select from cell Id bars Double click on the mouse Id bars and it
will select the range of cells associated
with it.
Get cell locations Press shift while selection cells and it will
return their location to the formula editor, like (A1, or A1:B4)
Style cells Cells are styleable.
Single cell reference Example A1
Range cell reference Example A1:B4
Range Shifting This often goes overlooked, but when you insert or
delete new rows/columns, the ranges will shift
their formula to the new location of the cell(s).
Lockable cell referencing Fixed cell references won't update when you add or
delete rows and columns.
Example SHEET1:A1, SHEET1:A1:B4
Fill cell values up
Fill cell values down
Undo and redo
Chart Type Formula Arguments Example Result Sample # Sample Text
Vertical Bar "=BARCHART" 10 Numbers as Array
Horizontal Bar "=CHART.HBAR" 12 Numbers as Array X
Pie "=PIECHART" Numbers as Array, Legend, Title 8 Numbers as Array Y
Line "=LINECHART" Numbers as Array X, Numbers as Array Y, Legend, Title 9.5 Legend
11 Title