Topic Description
What is jQuery.sheet? jQuery.sheet is an intuitive javascript
toolkit & jQuery plugin. It provides users
with an easy way of making spreadsheets
available in their applications.
How are spreadsheets constructed inside jQuery.sheet? jQuery.sheet uses simple html table objects,
they can be grouped together to make a
spreadsheet with multiple sheets.
Sheets are calculated into a spreadsheet
using simple javascript in an efficient
How are formulas calculated? Formulas are calculated using the "formula"
attribute of each html td object.
Can I export or import a spreadsheet
into a different format?
Absolutely. Sheet supports xml, json, and
html exporting and importing for sheets.
How do I access jQuery.sheet's methods? On initiation jQuery.sheet creates the sheet
object and stores it in
jQuery.sheet.instance[] and as well in the
jQuery dom object as "sheetInstance".
How can I change the spreadsheet theme? Head over to jQuery UI ThemeRoller
( and
download one, and reference in the header of
your webpage.
Option Description Default Value Type Accepted Values
urlGet local url, if you want to get a sheet from a url sheets/enduser.documentation.html string
urlSave local url, for use only with the default save for sheet save.html string
editable bool, Makes the jSheetControls_formula & jSheetControls_fx appear true bool
urlMenu local url, for the menu to the right of title menu.html string
NewColumnWidth the width of new columns or columns that have no width assigned 120 int
title general title of the sheet group null string / object / function
inlineMenu menu for editing sheet null string / object / function
buildSheet false bool / string / object bool true - build sheet inside of parent
bool false - use urlGet from local url
string - '{number_of_cols}x{number_of_rows} (like 5x100)
object - table
calcOff turns calculationEngine off (no spreadsheet, just grid) false bool
log turns some debugging logs on (jS.log('msg')) false bool
lockFormulas turns the ability to edit any formula off false bool
parent sheet's parent, DON'T CHANGE jQuery(this) object
colMargin the height and the width of all bar items, and new rows 18 int
fnBefore fires just before jQuery.sheet loads function() {} function
fnAfter fires just after all sheets load function() {} function
fnSave default save function, more of a proof of concept function() { jS.saveSheet(); } function
fnOpen by default allows you to paste table html into a javascript prompt for you to see what it looks likes if you where to use sheet function() {
var t = prompt('Paste your table html here');
if (t) {
fnClose default close function, more of a proof of concept function() {} function
fnAfterCellEdit fires just after someone edits a cell function() {} function
joinedResizing this joins the column/row with the resize bar false bool
boxModelCorrection attempts to correct the differences found in heights and widths of different browsers, if you mess with this, get ready for the must upsetting and delacate js ever 2 int
showErrors will make cells value an error if spreadsheet function isn't working correctly or is broken true bool
calculations used to extend the standard formulas that come with sheet {} object
cellSelectModel Excel sets the first cell onmousedown active, openoffice sets the last, now you can choose how you want it to be ;) excel string excel, oo, gdocs
autoAddCells Automatically adds new cells if set to true when you press down or tab at the last cell in the row or column true bool
caseInsensitive Make cells and formulas not sensitive to case, you can use SUM(A1) or sum(a1) false bool
Method Detail
$.sheet.makeTable.xml(xmlData) returns table object(s)
$.sheet.makeTable.json(jsonData, makeEval) returns table object(s)
$.sheet.makeTable.fromSize(size, height, width) returns table object(s)
$().sheetInstance After initiation, the sheetInstance is returned for manipulation
$.sheet.instance[] After initiation, the sheet instance is pushed into this array for manipulation
$().sheetInstance.exportSheet.xml(skipCData) returns a table as xml
$().sheetInstance.exportSheet.json() returns a table as json
$().sheetInstance.exportSheet.html() returns the sheet as an html object
$().sheetInstance.kill() Removes current sheet from document.
$.sheet.killAll() Removes all sheets from document.
Hosted By: Visual Interop Development
jQuery.sheet jQuery.sheet - The Web Based Spreadsheet
Written By Robert Plummer
Written Using Notepad++
Compressed Using YUI Compressor
Compatibility Firefox 3, IE 7 & 8, Chrome, Safari
Consulting Services Visual Interop Development
Issues #VALUE!: undefined
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