An example slideshow for Tiki 5

Extending slideshow capabilities in Tiki5 through JQuery S5
Here is an example note for slide 1


This is a very simple jQuery + Javascript Slide Show engine. It can turn the most basic document, such as this one, into a slideshow.

The concept is based on S5 which is a wonderful HTML slideshow engine. S5, however, requires you to add more markup than I care to worry about. JQS5 doesn't require any special markup to your document. Just add in the header and you're set!

Here is an example note for slide 2

Simple HTML (or wiki)

You then just make your slides like you would a basic HTML page. Each <h2/> (or !!) becomes a slide title and all the things under it are the slide body. The <h1> (or (!) is the title of the presentation and things below it are part of the footer.

Here is an example note for slide 3

The End

That's all folks!
The end.