0, Download http://wtwk.7766.org:8080/wlp/wlp-demo.exe and extract file to harddisk, Here suppose to C:\wlpdemo 1, Program FPGA code to WLP device0. For more information <>. 2, Connect DLP board and computer by USB cable. 3, Power on DLP board. 4, Install driver. c:\wlpdemo\Driver for 32bit Windows XP, Win7, Windows Server 2003, 2008 etc. 5. Run VC_Runtime.exe(only support release). 6, run wlp_demo.exe. (1)When open the image file , select multifiles by mouse in the Picture_1024 folder, the program will load selected files automatically; (2)The Frame Rate set to 10000; (3)Gray set to 8; (4)Trige Input Mode set to mode four, WLP_TRIGER_LOOP. 7, Software developer can use Wlp_lib.dll. for more information refer wlp_sdk.chm.